Welcome to our blog page. May this first blog inspire your journey with Sceletium!
I am Chelsey May and, in collaboration with our knowledgeable team, I’ll be sharing the ins and outs of Sceletium tortuosum from a variety of perspectives including anecdotes, emotional & mental benefits, ways to use the plant effectively for healing, overall well-being, spiritual experiences and more! I have been with The Sceletium Source since March 2024 and have developed a healthy enthusiasm for Sceletium. I am inspired to experiment, research and share as much as possible about this profound plant.
You may know by now that Sceletium – AKA Kanna – is a well-known mood enhancer that is effective in reducing anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive (OCD) and addressing and healing addiction. In the world of psychoactive, alkaloid-rich plant medicines like cannabis, psilocybin and cacao for example, Sceletium stands out as having long term benefits and possibly a more highly integrated impact – depending on how it is used and, of course, being person to person dependent. Because, as with all medicine, we can all respond differently to the same thing – and this hearty plant is no exception to that.
I acknowledge all plant medicines have their benefits and place, but I must say that from my experience, research and clients’ feedback thus far, Sceletium seems to have some mysterious magic when it comes to long-term healing and natural bio-hacking (a lifestyle movement that involves making small or radical changes to your body and lifestyle to improve your health, well-being and to activate more of the ‘good’ genes in your physiology).
Since joining the company and ingesting Kanna in a few different ways, I have found that in general the plant has added an “oomph” to my life, given me confidence & internal space to work through mental blocks and added positivity into my psyche. We will share more detail on each product as we go, but for now, since it’s the festive season, here are some simple suggestions of what to use when:
MZ0™ (5%) Capsules: uplifting and energising. Great to use for social gatherings and parties. Also amazing to take before exercise. Can be used daily or as wished. Excellent for a sustained New Year’s Eve party buzz!
MT55® (3%) Capsules: a gentle energy boost for daily well-being and a balanced mood. Helpful for Christmas shopping expeditions! Or, if you are working while everyone is holidaying, these capsules have got your back and will get you through! Also very useful for addressing acute or chronic depression. This product, having a lower Total Alkaloid (TA) content (i.e. 3% rather than 5%), can be used daily in small incremental doses in this kind of clinical application.
XK5 (3%) Capsules: Helpful to relieve mild, acute or chronic anxiety. Perfect for challenging family gatherings this Christmas or for longer-term use. Can assist with addressing insomnia. As with the MT55® capsules, these capsules have a lower TA content (3% instead of 5%) – making them suitable for use in a clinical situation.
MT55® (5%) Extract: a quick boost when taken intra-nasally. A slower effect when placed under the tongue or taken orally (for those not keen on the intra-nasal option). Great for parties, or to sit and move in nature with. Depending on dose, this extract may have mild to moderate echoes of a heart-opening molly experience.
XK5 (5%) Extract: also taken intra-nasally, under the tongue or orally for more of a relaxed, almost “stoned” effect. May immediately relieve anxiety and help with sleep – at least for as long as it is active in the body. For long-lasting relief from chronic anxiety, please see XK5 (3%) Capsules, above.
Fermented Resin (KannaGuru Channabudder): Great to take near nap or bed time for enhanced sleep if you need it. Taken in a slightly higher dose can enhance deep self-reflection, journeying and spiritual connection. Start with a dose equivalent to half a match stick head. Gradually increase if desired.
Liquid Gold: Want to ditch the booze? Make yourself a delicious drink with a hint of liquid gold. Go easy as a little goes a long way. Super for downtime or social gatherings. For those that need to abstain from alcohol completely, please note that this tincture is made with alcohol, so rather opt for something else like MT55® (3%) Capsules to help relieve cravings for alcohol as well as other substances.
Here are some additional need-to-knows to further advise you on ingesting sceletium:
• Intra-nasally (as a snuff): 30-second onset/ effects last up to 30-60 minutes/ 4-5X intensity of effect than when taken orally
• Sub-lingually (under the tongue): 3-5 minute onset/ effects last up to 1-2 hours/ approximately 2-3X intensity of the effect than when taken orally
• Orally: 15-45 minutes onset (very much depends on whether the stomach is empty or full)/ effects last up to 3-4 hours.
**NOTE that dosage of all our products is person to person dependent. Start small and work your way up if need be. Do not exceed the recommended dosage on packages. With any of our powder extracts, we do not recommend taking more than 250mg in 24 hours. We recommend eating something light before ingesting sceletium as alkaloids can be uncomfortable on an empty stomach.
Enjoy your product and share your experience with me here: chelsey@sceletium.com
We also welcome reviews of our products on each product page.